Saturday, March 17, 2007

Thoughts are powerful

Following an auto accident or any other type of injury, we experience physical pain and more. Often times, we ignore the emotional component of our pain which can prolong the healing process. Our thoughts produce our feelings which produce the physical pain to some extent. I'm not saying that all pain is in your head, but that we have the power to "change" the way we think about our injuries in order to reduce the physical pain.
I learned this following many years of pain after a severe whiplash to the sides of my neck and head. I had a terrible headache with neck pain. I went to see my massage therapist before going to work. He did a wonderful job of releasing the tension so the headache disappeared. I was running a bit late to work and found myself "stressed" by the traffic. As I allowed myself to get perturbed by the situation, I found that my neck started to hurt again. My neck made it very clear that it didn't like my approach to a situation that I had very little control over and it was letting me know the only way it knew how to ...PAIN!
You see, I thought that I could get the traffic to move faster if I got angry, frustrated, upset and stressed about it moving slow. To my surprise, it only changed me! My body made it very clear that I was allowing a stressful situation to dictate my response and it didn't like it one bit.
I realized the error of my thinking and told my neck to calm down, that we would get to work when we could and that I wasn't going to let the situation affect me in a negative way. Once I did that and relaxed for the ride, the pain subsided. I got to work on time and had a wonderful time. If I had continued with the negative thinking about the traffic, I would have arrived to work hurting which would have had a negative effect on my work as well as my health.

My point here is to let you know that you have the power to control one thing... you! Our thoughts create so much of our life that we rarely realize that we have the power to change our perspective of things to a positive. By changing our thoughts we can change our pain too! Learn to listen to your bodies signals and change your response to them from negative to positive or neutral.