Friday, July 31, 2009

How much do you value your health?

We all take health for granted, until we become ill or are hurt and in pain. We usually go to the doctor and get meds that help but don't necessarily heal the issue. What would you do if you were told there wasn't anything the doctor could do for you? Would you accept that and allow yourself to stay in that condition or would you seek out other ways to regain your health?

I recently started working on a client that had knee problems. The mds couldn't find anything wrong with her so they gave her meds and sent her home. The knee pain made it difficult for her to get around. She started using a cane. This helped her get around, but the pain was taking its toll. When I met her, she was in terrific pain. I suggested alternative therapies such as massage and The BodyTalk System.

When she came to me, she was in excruciating pain throughout her entire body. How could knee pain do this, you ask? Within 2 weeks we both could see a difference. The stress in her body was reduced, her face wasn't straining from pain and her demeanor was improved. But we had a long road ahead of us.

As I worked on her, I noticed she was not only in pain but fear as well. She was afraid of the pain increasing with the work we were doing which made it difficult for her to "release" the tension in her body, thus causing her whole body to hurt. I realized that I had to help her release the fear before we could make physical changes. I gave her homework to do to help her understand the limitations she was putting on herself with the fear.

We continued treatment with great results. She now is coming in for therapy with a better demeanor. She is able to see the progress she is making.

The moral of the story is: Don't take NO for an answer. Seek out alternative and complementary therapies that work with you complete mind, body and spirit. You only have one body, so take the best care of it!