Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Getting back to basics

The more technologically advanced we get, the more we need to return to simple things that work! Like, truly resting when tired and going to bed at a reasonable time. Unfortunately, we think we have to keep up with technology while our body is saying something else.

Just because we have a television doesn't mean we have to be watching it all hours of the night when we should be sleeping and renewing our body for a new day. Also, why is it we have to have the latest in "drinks"? Energy drinks are the rave, but what are they doing to our adrenals? Do you suffer from tiredness, fatigue, etc? Then you need rest, not caffeine or energy supplements. Are you familiar with Sympathetic overload? That's when your nervous system is working overtime because your adrenals are producing too much cortisol or stress hormones, which lead to the above conditions. So why would we want to further aggravate the situation with energy drinks or caffeine? We are and we are suffering for it. Is there a better way? What about water? You know, that natural stuff the all life depends on, even us!

Did you know that by the time you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated? Thirst is the last signal the body gives denoting a need for water. Thirst will come as a headache, muscle pain, high blood pressure, stiffness, allergies, fatigue and much more. In his book, "You're not sick, you're thirsty", Dr. Batmanjheldi explains "essential dehydration and the medical affects it has on our bodies.

I was astonished to find out that a lot of the "dis-eases" we are being medicated for are due to DEHYDRATION!!!! Check out the book, the info is enlightening.

I guess, what I'm saying here is that we need to begin rehydrating ourselves. But,is all water the same? Did you know that a lot of the bottled waters we consume are not good for you? I didn't until I was shown at a demonstration in Orlando recently. That's what interested me in reading books on hydration and alkalization. The information helped me to see that our bodies need to be alkaline in order to work efficiently.

Check out : http://www.anewu4ever.com/ to learn more about alkaline water and it's benefits. Going back to the basics can truly change you life and make it a whole lot better.

Since I started drinking alkaline water, I feel and sleep better, have increase energy and stamina; elimination issues are a thing of the past and an overall sense of well-being! Just by drinking alkaline water!!!!! What can it do for you? Give me a shout and I will get some for you and your loved ones. You will be glad you did, I am. My whole family feels better and so will yours. I can be reached at: 904 389-0030 or email me @ Kimberlyareaves@comcast.net for your free sample of alkaline water.