Thursday, March 24, 2011

You know your body best!

Martha was having pain in her right ribs.  The pain was so severe that she went to her primary care doctor for help.  She was diagnosed with Costal Chrondritis and told to stop working and get rest.  She was given pain and anti-inflammatory medications.  The pain didn't let up even after 3 weeks of rest, so she went back to the doctor.  This time, the doctor ordered lab work to rule out liver dysfunction.

Martha did some homework and noticed that she may be suffering from inflamed Trigger Points in her ribs so she asked if she could get a massage to relieve some of the pain and loosen the muscles, to which the doctor said, "no" without an explanation.
Frustrated and in PAIN, she came in Bodywork. After a careful review of her medical history,  I started with Manual Lymphatic Drainage to move lymphatic fluid from the ribs which reduces swelling and pain.  During the session, Martha told me of scar tissue she had near her pubic bone from multiple surgeries that were causing pain in her left hip girdle.  Upon close examination, it was discovered that scar tissue was possible inhibiting the abdominal muscles resulting in increased pain in the ribs and hips.  This called for gentle work to release the fascia, a membrane surrounding each muscle, as well as the scar tissue.  She was in less pain at the end of the session.

Martha returned one week later.  This time the edema had reduced allowing more work on the scar tissue and muscular holding patterns.   Going slowly helps to release holding patterns and re-educate the fascia, muscles and release emotional holding patterns related to the surgeries and pain.  I encouraged Martha to stretch her abdominals and hips to further release the scar tissue and increase the healing time.

I followed up with Martha to find that it took 4 more days before the pain subsided.  We were both astonished that her primary care hadn't considered the scar tissue as a part of the problem.

The moral of the story:  You know your body better than ANYONE ELSE!  You live in it 24/7 and getting a second opinion can save you time, money and alot of pain!.  Had Martha done this sooner, she could have been back to work sooner with less pain!